2010年3月13日 星期六

The worst interview experience I ever had

I sent my resume to the company:

Star Holiday Mart Pte Ltd
Blk 203, Henderson Road, #02-04 (Se-159546)

applying for the position of PA (Personal Assistant).

I went for interview on 30 November 2009 at 5.50pm,
the company lay out was not so impressed.

A man who I was told was the boss of the company, interview me
he just glance through without read my resume.

He said 'based on your age no longer young, you should worried if you don't find any permanent job in the near future. Tell me what experience do you have?'

I told him, he then refer to the resume on his hand. He claimed that a Japanese joint venture with his company want it to go globalize, advertise to recruit a PA to do some paper works etc.

I do understand what does "joint venture" mean, foreign investor buying an interest in a local company.

He continue 'my staff can google & produce work in 2 hours. I can get someone who is younger, cheap pay & fast worker.'

Excuse me, if I do not know how to google through st701.com then tell me how do I come to know your company advertise for PA?

Oh so sorry I didn't mentioned in my resume, I could produce work in 1 & the half hour.

I just smiled be professional, it no use argue with a fool like him.

He added 'if you are selected, what ever I offer you & you better accept it.'

Oh my, so this is how a local tyrannical boss or should I called it a small medium enterprise boss behave?!

Before I walk out of the office, he asked me 'is there anyone else beside you?'

I replied him 'How do I know? I was interview by you, you should check with your staff instead.'

The reason Why I want to blog about this, because of unprofessional manners of it boss.

This is the worst interview experience I ever encounter, after I reached home I blocked the company email address from contacting me any further.

My conclusion - Singapore high percentage number in jobless, 1 of the reason might be due to tyrannical boss exist and some small medium enterprise company want to recruit staff who is young & cheap labour.
